Review Criteria

FIE Review Criteria

  • How does the work advance frontiers in education within the context of FIE?
  • To what extent are the practices described in the paper innovative, leading-edge, cutting-edge?
  • Does the work demonstrate knowledge of related work and discuss the relevance of the submission's contribution in the context of the prior literature in the field and other relevant areas?
  • Does the work demonstrate scholarly quality as evaluated on the strength of its methodology, the quality/depth of its theoretical foundation, and the quality/depth of its analysis and related discussion?  Work-in-Progress papers and innovative practice papers should introduce new ideas and encourage a discourse that can potentially advance the field in some way. 

RESEARCH category submissions should position the current research in relation to related and prior work, showing the need for a new or enhanced approach. A high rating in this evaluation category indicates that a paper has a sound theoretical and empirical structure in terms of identification of the problem, design of solution/investigation, methods used during data collection, and an empirically-based final analysis. Work-in-Progress research category submissions should focus on the methodology used, potential hypotheses, and what remains to be done.


RESEARCH-TO-PRACTICE category submissions should provide coherent and convincing arguments of how the education research is transformed into education practice and argue how this new practice advances the state of knowledge in the field. Work-in-Progress research-to-practice submissions should provide motivation for the practice, research that has supported the practice, what results have been obtained, and what remains to be done.


INNOVATIVE PRACTICE category submissions should demonstrate appropriate rigor and reflective depth when outlining the novel practice at their and other institutions. Work-in-Progress innovative practice submissions should outline the innovation and how it improves upon prior practice. A high impact paper in this category is one that develops new and intriguing insights in the context of ongoing research, and/or presents preliminary analysis of empirical data.


*All papers must be written in English.

**If you are interested in participating as a reviewer for FIE 2015, please send an email to Cynda Covert indicating this.